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Apurva Sanghi, the new World Bank’s Lead Economist for the Russian Federation, gave a talk at the European University at St. Petersburg, during which he presented the World Bank’s Russia Economic Report no. 36. The report consisted of three thematic sections: 1) the latest trends in economic development; 2) predictions concerning the development of Russia’s economy; and 3) the impact of fiscal policy on the allocation of income during times of economic expansion and recession.

World Bank Russia Economic Report April 2016: THE LONG JOURNEY TO RECOVERY

April, 13. 03:00 PM, Golden Hall. World Bank Lead Economist and Program Leader Birgit Hansl will present the main findings of the Russia Economic Report (RER). This semi-annual World Bank publication synthesizes recent trends on key economic indicators, provides the World Bank economic outlook for Russia for 2016-18, and analyzes strategic policy issues.